Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My Baby Caspie

My Baby Caspie

22 11:09:23

Hello there!

I was hoping you could give me some much needed info about my dwarf
albino rabbit, Caspie.

I received the rabbit as a pet a few weeks ago, saving her from a household
that could neither devote time nor care for her. I asked another All Expert
member for advice when I thought she was a "he", but it seems she is always
doing something that makes me worried.

So here goes:

Besides my Caspie eating the edge of her plastic litterbox, moving it and also
eating what's inside of it, I came from work last Friday to find that she given
herself a serious haircut! She had sat in her litterbox and chopped off her fur,
also quite evenly... which was the part that got me more confused. It was a
small Ziploc bag's worth of hair. I checked her and her physical state was
normal, and she hasn't done it since.

This morning I awakened and went to pet her, but she made a whining,
whimpering noise and bit me. This wasn't the first time but I think whenever
she feels threatened, she gets defensive. She struggles when I take her out
the cage sometimes, and others she comes out without a fight.

Why did she cut off her fur? Why does she eat the litterbox contents? Why is
she still afraid of my presence? I want to know!


She likely chewed her fur out of boredom. Is she eating her feces. Rabbits have a thing that they eat some of their droppings that have nutrients in them that their bodies missed. If she is eatting her litter, then it may be something that rabbits chew like wood or corncob. Newspaper they will eat to, but not at all healthy for them. I am not sure what kind you are using, but i always use corncob litter. Some rabbits take a long time to get used to people, especially if they have had a bad experience with a person.