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Dead Babies

22 10:53:26

"I woke this morning to find my doe had given birth to 4kits, all of which were dead. This is her second litter this year, and these kits seemed to be very small in comparison of her last litter. It appeared to look like she has possibly killed one of them as it has a tear at its neck. The strangest thing is that she gave birth to them at the opposite side of her cage (her toilet area) even though she she started nesting yesterday?
Please advise, and should i remove them immediately?"

Do remove them. They will start to rot.

Sometimes things just happen. There might have been something genetically wrong with the litter, she might have aborted them or given birth early due to something wrong, etc.

As far as the nest, it is not entirely uncommon for rabbits to give birth outside of their original nest area, especially if something goes wrong.