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not eating or drinking much

22 10:49:34

My bunny is a doe and I feed her regular rabbit pellits.  Lately i have noticed that she is not eating or drinking much. I got her to drink a little but not eat. I think it may be because she is jealous cause i just got a new bunny and i have been spending more time with it instead of her but I was also thinking that she may be constipated cause I have not seen her poop or pee lately and her belly is hard. I was also thinking she may be pregnet cause of the hard stomic but we tried to breed her about 50 days ago and she wasn't with the buck for more then 20 minutes so i highly daught it but with her you can never really know cause she doesn't really act any different so i have no clue. I was also thinking that it was her age because she is about 3 but i also have a 4 year old bunny and he is acting like he is 2.  I am very concerned about her and want her to be better so can you please help me and her.


Your rabbit is not pregnant if it has been 50 days.  If they don't deliver by 33 days (35 in very rare circumstances) then there are no babies.

If you rabbit isn't producing droppings she probably has GI stasis which can lead to full ileus.  Your rabbit is in trouble and needs to be seen by a vet immediately.  Leaving GI stasis untreated results in death.  The hard ball you feel is probably a block of food or fur.  Since her GI tract is not mobile (not producing poop) she has a block of some sort.  The absolute only way to fix it is to get to an emergency vet immediately.

I don't mean to be abrupt but rabbits will starve to death if they have GI stasis.  They can't digest their food on their own and there is absolutely nothing a person can do without the help of a vet.  He may give her medication to stimulate the movement of her GI tract.

If you need help finding a vet please visit this site

Please don't wait.

If you have any further questions please let me know.

Good luck
