Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bathing my bunny

Bathing my bunny

22 10:18:43

Hi. I'm planning on bathing my bunny this weekend.  Her forehead is dirtier than her body. Is it ok for me to get her head wet w/ shampoo?  I use tear free bunny shampoo from Petsmart.

(I have bathe her before, but I wasn't sure if I can get her head wet without hurting her eyes.  So for a long time now, all I did was bathe her body.)

Thank you.

Dear Pauline,

A rabbit should *never* be bathed.  I have known of far too many rabbits who have died from the stress of a bath.  It's just not necessary, and there are other ways to keep her clean.

Please read this:

and please return that shampoo to PetSmart, if it hasn't been used.  They should not even *sell* products like that, which give people the mistaken impression that it is safe to give a rabbit a bath.

It's not.  It can be fatal.

I hope this helps you make the right decision.

Take care,