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hiccups and another question

22 10:53:52

Do rabbits get the hiccups? My rabbit was laying in his playpen and his belly started going up and down like a persons when they get the hiccups. He only did it for a min. and wasn't acting like anything was wrong. i have been watching him for any changes in behavior and have not see any, nor seen him do this again.

I have been seeing on here that rabbits, if they are hurt, hide their pain so keep safe from danger. If my rabbit gets hurt, how long does he hide his pain? ever since i have read that information I have been paranoid about him getting hurt and me not being able to tell until to late.

Any info on these would be great. Thanks!  

Hi Kelly

Hmmm I don't know if they can have hiccups.  I assume they can since hiccups are just a spasm of the diaphragm.  I would imagine that any mammal who breathes oxygen and has a diaphragm could have them.  If it only lasted a minute I wouldn't really worry about it.

Rabbits will hide their pain but there will be other obvious tell tale signs that something is wrong.  They will hide in a place they don't usually hide.  They may stop eating.  They may have diarrhea.  They will have lack of interest in their normal activities.  They may whimper or wince in when being handled.  They may not let you pet them like they did in the past.  You are the one that knows him the best so I am sure that any little difference in his behavior wouldn't get unnoticed.

Don't be paranoid, just be the loving mom you have always been.  If there is something odd then you can begin to wonder.  

Good luck and thank you for caring.
