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My bunny has a broken leg

22 11:13:12

Hi i'm 15 years old and about 5 weeks ago my cat brought in a baby wild bunny...we have been taking care of the bunny and it seems to be doing fine, it's eating and drinking water, but just recently I realized that his front leg look weird. His front left leg is bent and he is walking on it like that. I think it might be broken but i'm not sure. I called a nature's rehabilitator and they said that if I bring in the bunny I can't get it back. Please is there any way that I can take care of the bunny so I don't have to give it away?

I would highly recommend giving the rabbit up to the nature rehabilitator. Keeping wild animals in the USA (and is several other countries) is actually illegal, and it could get you in some very serious trouble. Also, wild animals are not the best of pets. Even if they are tame for you, they would be much happier in the wild. Domestic animals have been bred to live in domestic conditions.

Rather than keeping the wild baby, which could get you in trouble and make it unhappy, I would definitely suggest giving it to someone who can give it the proper care it needs and get it released back into the wild. Then, if you want a rabbit, adopt a rabbit from a rescue or purchase one from a reputable breeder. That rabbit will be much happier in captivity, veterinarians will be able to properly care for it (wild rabbits in the USA are a different species, so regular vets are not trained to care for them properly), and you will not risk getting in trouble with the law.

No matter what, a broken leg cannot be fixed by you. The rabbit HAS to see a vet or someone knowledgeable about wild rabbits. The best you would be able to do is a patch-up job which will not actually fully correct the problem.

I know it is hard to give up, but it is for the better on all sides.