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Grooming (Brushing Belly)

22 11:11:11

I brought home my Holland lop from the pet store 4 months ago when she was just a little bunny.  I have brushed her on a regular basis.  However, I have not been able to brush her belly.  I have tried trancing and have not had any success (she snaps out of it with just the slightest movement).  I would hate to try have someone hold her on her back while I brush because I know she would become quite stressed out.  This is the first house rabbit I have owned and am kind of at a loss for what to do.  I would like my bunny to be able to hop on my lap without leaving me covered with fur.

Do you have any suggestions?

PS. Any tips for keeping her calm while I clip her nails would be appreciated too.



Hi Ken,
I would try using a glove wear it and it looks like your own hand but has soft bristles.  This would be the easiet way I would think.  you can cuddle her while you stroke underneath her belly. This should solve your'd find this at a pet shop.
 With the nails,you will probably have to do one paw a  day..until she's become used to it. you can try to put her into a relaxed state by stroking her head while on your lap,then clip away. Rabbits usually hate this so give it time..also be careful not to snip too close to the vein.  Good luck Ken!  Elizabeth