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our bunny has problems

22 10:18:55

dear Amy, we have two rabbits. one named pip how is 5 years old, and peanut how is only 1. pip is a male and peanut is female. just recently pip has started kind of bitting large chunks of peanuts hair out. not a lot, but enough to get us very worried. we have taken then apart in case but we don't know why he is doing that and what we should do know. please could you help us. thanks a whole lot, Nadine Thomas

This sounds to me like barbering, which is where one animal "grooms" another to the point of hair loss.  This is fairly common, and generally the only way to stop it is to separate them.  I am curious as to if both rabbits have been neutered, if only one is neutered then it can also be a response to the hormones of having a male and female together.  Even if the male is neutered he may still have all the same actions and reactions that an unneutered male would have, just without being able to actually reproduce.

Check out this website, has some info on it for barbering,

Good Luck