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Rabbit teeth trimming

22 11:18:50

My rabbit has slightly crooked lower teeth requiring her upper teeth to be trimmed every 4-8 weeks.  She has already been trimmed with a dental file at the vet once, and seems to require this trimming long term.  My problem is that it costs $100 each visit to the vet, and the experienced rabbit vet is pretty far away too.  When I saw my vet do it, it seemed like a relatively simple process.  I was wondering if I could purchase a file and just do this trimming myself.  I need to know if this is safe.  I have read online that the only safe way is dental burring and that clipping and filing is not safe as it my split the teeth, leave sharp edges or loosen the tooth root.  What do you recommend?

Thanks so much.

Dear Nhu-y

Whether or not you can safely file your bunny's teeth depends on how adept you are at this procedure.  It takes practice and patience, and you will certainly need someone to hold the bunny firmly and gently so he doesn't squirm and get hurt while you try.

I do file my own rabbits' teeth (the ones who need it, anyway!), and can even do molar filings at home--but it's not for the faint of heart.  

The one way to know is to try it.  Use a very new Revlon diamond nail file (no clipping!), and be sure you have someone holding bun very well (you may wish to wrap him in a towel "burrito" to prevent injury), and give it a try.  Ask your vet to show you proper technique, and see where it leads.

Hope this helps.
