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How Can I Keep My Rabbit Warm?

22 10:04:23

Hello, Dr. Dana Krempels,

I hope you are doing well. Approximately six years ago, I wrote you twice - once when my rabbit, Choco, got sick and once when she got pregnant (she was apparently pregnant before I adopted her) - and you gave me really good advice. I am happy to tell you that she's still happy and healthy, even though she's grown a lot in age. Thank you for still helping so many rabbit guardians after all these years.

I just have a quick question regarding keeping Choco warm. As it is currently winter, it has gotten a bit chillier where I live. Choco is used to living in my old apartment in a warmer city, but I brought her to a different city recently, and I'm not sure if she's warm enough. Is there any way to tell if she's cold or not? Also, what can I do for her if she gets cold? The only thing I can think of is throwing an extra towel into her living area, but she's a rather stubborn rabbit and usually will just chew up most things that she comes in contact with. Rest assured that she's an indoor rabbit (I would never leave a rabbit outside alone).

Sorry for the long message. Thank you very much, and happy holidays.

Dear Victor,

Rabbits handle cold much better than they handle heat.  If it's cooler than about 50 Farenheit, she might need some blankets on really cold nights.  But if she's indoors with you, and the place is heated to at least 65 or so, she should be fine.

A nice, clean cardboard box with holes cut in the sides for doors and equipped with a towel might keep her from throwing it around, and it will be insulated better than open air.  Her body warmth might keep it nice and toasty, if she wants to be that way.  So just giving her the option would be a nice gesture.  :)

Hope this helps.  Happy holidays!
