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rabbit eye disese?

22 11:14:43


I have a dwarf rabbit that is about 4 years old.  I went to see a vet a year ago about my rabbit's left eye and the the vet said my rabbit had a cateract in her left eye.  Now her left eye is getting worst and appears to be shrinking (physically getting smaller, not the iris).  She seems to be more active than before this change in her eye and does not seem to be in any pain.  I was just wondering if you could tell me /find out what may be happening to my rabbit's eye.  Thank you for your time.

Hi Katherine,

first, it sounds like your rabbit is probably due for her annual exam.  As she is geting older, it is critical that you take her in at least once a year to have your vet review and assess her condition.

For her cataract, there is a safer product called Similisan Cataract care, which will not 'cure' the cataract, but will help deal with the symptoms of the cataract.  If the eye is physically shrinking, this is a real medical problem and requires a vet to determine what is going on.  It could be a number of things, including a blood supply problem, a nerve problem, a dental problem affecting the eye.

The best thing to do is set up an appointment with a good RABBIT vet, in order to save diagnostic time and money and to identify a treatment solution as soon as possible.

If you need to find a good rabbit vet, go to:\vets

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended rabbit vet in your area.


PS - If your rabbit is not spayed, it would be good to ask the rabbit vet about this as well, as 85% of females by age 5 get uterine cancer, so you may want to have this done to prevent her from dying painfully and prematurely.