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Collapsed Lung on Bunny

22 9:54:44

Hi there I don't know if you remember me and my bunny Chicklet but you gave me some great adivse last time. Her history is at your last answer you gave me at .

This is the situation now and I am very concerned about my bunny.

On Tuesday she went to the vet again because of her eye infection and they gave her Chlor-Palm again for 35 days. They also did an x-ray that showed the heart was pushed over to one side and a possible mass in the left lung. They were then concerned so they did a ultrasound - mediastinum where the test was inconclusive. This Wednesday they decided to do a CT Scan to see what was going on and they found that her left lung is partially collapsed. I am extremely worried about this because they don't know how it happened or when or why. Could it be because of the Xray or the ultrasound, maybe putting her in a wrong position? They also shaved her left side and we are not sure why. Is this something that could be caused by picking up a bunny the wrong way or having certain test done.

If you could please help put my mind at ease I would really appreciate it.

Dear Katrina,

If the mass is located cranial to the lungs, it could be a thymoma pressing against her lungs from the front.  This won't usually cause a collapse of the lungs, but it can drastically decrease their usable volume.  This slow-growing cancer is, unfortunately, turning out to be not at all uncommon in rabbits.

Fortunately, there is treatment.  Radiation appears to help tremendously, and there are several helpful articles you might want to share with your vet IF the mass is in the proper position to be a thymoma (in the thymus, just cranial to the heart).  Please see:

I hope this helps.
