Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunny fur falling out

bunny fur falling out

22 11:19:35

We have a rex fur male rabbit, that has been shedding normally, from what we believe to be normal. Then recently we noticed a bald patch on his lower back. The skin was pale to gray, and we went on vacation for a week, having a neighbor come over to feed and water. We are home now, and there are two patches, and the skin tone is really dark. He does not seem to show any discomfort, and lets us hold him and play with him.  

Dear Judy,

If the skin is dark but doesn't show any sign of irritation, it's probably just the new fur underlying the skin.  The patches should fuzz up and grow in shortly.

If they don't, or if you see any sign of irritation or redness on the skin, please read:

for some of the problems that can cause abnormal fur problems in rabbits, and how they're treated.

You can find a good rabbit vet to help you here:

Hope this helps.
