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rabbit sticky eye

22 10:09:28

QUESTION: one of my house rabbits has a sticky eye.  It seems quite dry and there was a build up of the sticky stuff, hard, at the corner, attached to the fur there.
I'm going to the vets with him but not for a week.
Is this more urgent?
I think it may be conjunctivitis?
He's had his mixi vacs and he is eating/pooing fine.
my other rabbit isnt affected and its only one eye.
I haven't noticed him rubbing it, I spend pretty much 24/7 with them as i work from home and sleep in the same room?

ANSWER: Dear Laura,

A sticky bit of goo in the corner of the eye isn't major cause for concern, especially if it doesn't return once you gently remove it with a warm, moist cloth.

But if this becomes chronic, it could be a sign of a blocked tear duct.  This could be due to something as simple as cellular and/or bacterial debris build up in the duct, or as problematic as a tooth root intruding into the skull bones and pinching off the duct to some degree.  You can read more here:

A good rabbit vet can have a look and tell you what is the best treatment, if any is necessary at this time.  I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the rabbit is only 4 months old, would this be old enough for tooth problems?
I noticed that rabbits have a second eyelid simular to cats, that close from the side, this looks sore too.

Dear Laura,

Four months is pretty young for dental problems, though some breeds of rabbit can start to show this very young (e.g, Dwarfs, Holland Lops).  But it seems more likely to be a blocked tear duct at this age.  The vet will be best able to tell you from examining the bunny in person and giving a full wellness check.

If the nictans (third eyelid) is inflamed, the bunny might have a corneal injury that will need ointments and treatment for a few weeks to heal. But again, I can't see the bunny to know.  So the vet will be the one to help you there.

Good luck,
