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what breed do i have?

22 11:22:16

My name is Brandi, and i have recently been given a rabbit from a friend. She is quite large and probably weighs about 7-8 pounds. She is black silky haired and has a large double chin.Her ears arent the floppy ears, they stick straight up most of the time. I looked up the different breeds online and I still cant figure out what she is. Can you give me an idea?

Most likely she is a cross breed. A lot of cross breeds can fit your description. She might be a small black new zealand or new zealand cross, but she could also be any number of crosses.

Black is a very common colour in rabbits, and just about any breed cross could produce a black offspring. Even lop crosses can have upright ears, though they often flop over sometimes. However, sometimes rabbits with no lop in the background have ears with less than perfect control. The double chin is called a dewlap, and almost all adult female rabbits have one. Only a few of the small breeds require no dewlap for showable ones, and even then some of the non-showable ones have a dewlap.

By silky hair do you mean the texture is soft or that the fur is long? If the fur is long, that is a very important clue as to her ancestry. There are only a few long haired breeds. These are english angora, french angora, german angora, satin angora, and american fuzzy lop. If she does have long hair, I would say likely a french angora, judging from the size. If you just mean soft fur, that can also be any number of crosses, though.