Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit fallen

rabbit fallen

22 10:37:49

hello again i sent you a message saying my rabbit had fallen(netherland dwarf)i did has you said and took him to the vets,they gave him an injection in back of his neck,now he looks more comfy and his legs are starting to move a bit better,but his scent glands are out all time??should i just give him time?and also should the vet have told me what he had done or would i need to have him x rayed??thanks again clint

Dear Clint,

I'm glad your bunny is improving.  Please keep in contact with the vet every day to let him/her know about the bunny's progress and see if the vet needs you to do any additional treatments or keep the bunny in a specific way.  

Radiographs are not necessary if the vet could tell what was wrong with palpation and manipulation of the legs.  He'll need time to heal, so be sure he doesn't overdo the activity and injure himself.  Patience and rest are what he needs now.
