Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > is she pregnant when shes 3!?!

is she pregnant when shes 3!?!

22 9:46:40

My house rabbit (bailey) is well trained and she runs around the garden as I live in the countryside. She has been running round for a while.
I recently saw a hare running round my garden it was a young one.
She was running round free when the hare came into my garden, I let it go and it keeps coming back. I'm scared that if it is a male it may have mated with bailey, she then ran away into a field which I have never seen her do in all the 3 years I have had her.
I am scared if she is pregnant that she will dies she is 3? I'm also worried as it's a hair weather she has caught anything? Please answer me!

hi molly she could be pregnant but at 3 yrs old this is not a problem. one good sign of pregnancy is she may get a bit aggressive to you just keep a good eye on her as when hertime come s ear she will want to build a nest. pregnacy is 28-32 days gestation