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Rex rabbit - teeth problems

22 11:19:20

My rabbit was seen by a vet on the 27th of June. She told me he was suffering from the results of "maloccluded teeth". She did not recommend anything other than the following:
*give him applesauce or a couple pieces of shaved apple *buy some glyoxide from drug store and squirt his mouth a couple times a day for about five days. *moisten his food (he won't eat it that way), so I grind it up a little. *change his hay. *go back to his regular food after 5 days. He has been having some eye discharge, so I think the roots of the teeth have already started to go into his jaw bone. I want to stop the problem as soon as possable; not postpone prompt treatment that may be even more expensive.  

There's a lot of good information on rabbit teeth at  

Did the vet trim the teeth?  Did he say if it was the front teeth or the molars?  You can trim the front teeth but the back ones require a float which generally requires anesthesia.  

The roots are like ours, they grow in the jaw, it's what is above the gumline that's an issue.

The sooner you can find a rabbit-knowledgeable vet and get the correct treatment for the problem the better.  They can also take an x-ray to see if anything is growing into the jaw or not.
