Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbits+Dogs=?????


22 10:42:42

Me and my family just had some relatives over and they have a pet dog named
Chubby. I have a pet rabbit named Coconut. And I was wondering "What would
Chubby and Coconut do if they saw each other?". So I went downstairs in the
basement and brought up my mixed dutch rabbit. Then I noticed that Chubby
started smelling Coconut's behind and licking her ears. Would Coconut have
been scared? And Will Coconut give birth? Coconut was never neutered.

Hi Kaitlin,

Sorry, I think I misunderstand you.  Do you mean is your rabbit now pregnant because your dog lick her back area?

If that's the case, then no.  It's completely out of the question.

You should only introduce dogs and rabbits very slowly and carefully as it will scare your rabbit.  Very small steps is the key.