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itchy ears

22 11:26:12

My rabbit seems to be scratching her ears a lot lately, i dont see any bugs in her ears or anything but im still a little worried.  I dont really want to take her to the vet if i dont have to, any suggestions?  Also, my bunny is alone everyday from 10am-4pm, I read on the site that its basically cruel to own just one rabbit, should I get another one? I love honey to death and if it would really make her that much happier to have a bunny friend I would probably get one, but if not, the additional cost of vegetables, food, and appropriate litter really wouldnt be worth case it isnt obvious by now im on a bit of a tight a student, need i say more?  thanks for any help, I always appreciate your advice.

Dear Jim,

If bun is scratching, there's a good chance she has some ear mites, which are not easy to see with the naked eye.  The best and safest treatment is Revolution, available from your vet.  If you call your vet s/he might be willing to sell you some Revolution without an office visit, but that depends on the vet.  You can find a good vet here:

Read more about mites and the safe and dangerous treatments here:

The good news about your lone bunny.  The hours you mention are the ones when he's most sleepy.  So as long as you play with him and love him when you're home the rest of the time, he should be fine.

Rabbits *do* love the companionship of other rabbits, but they are also very picky about their mates.  It is vital to let him CHOOSE if you do get another bunny, and to do the bonding procedures very carefully.  Rabbits can be vicious, ferocious fighters, and a good way to see The Dark Side of your bunny would be to bring home a "surprise" mate.

For more tips on bonding and "blind dates" with your local rabbit rescuer, see

I hope that helps!