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Swaying head

22 11:11:38

I have adopted several angora rabbits from different spca's around here.  My most recent one, a lop-angora mix (or possibly a Fuzzy Lop)is approx. 9 months old, white w/pink eyes, and seems healthy in every way except that she has a strange way of slightly slowly swaying her head back and forth when she is sitting still.  She eats fine, is very interested and alert, clean and bright-eyed, and her ears look clean to me, although I obviously can't see inside.  Any ideas of what might be causing this?

Rabbits with red eyes (and some with a red glow to the eyes) often do that. Their eyes are a little different from that of a rabbit with a normal eye colour, and they process light differently. The swaying simply helps them process when they are looking at. It is perfectly harmless, though it certainly has given its fair share of rabbit owners a scare until they found out what it was. The first time I saw it, I thought my rabbit was dying. ;)