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rabbit mites and dogs

22 11:17:30

Hi!  We just picked up our new rabbit 2 days ago from a rabbit rescue in Virginia.  He had a patch of hair missing from his back and the rescue told us he was being treated for mites.  He and my daughter clicked and he came home with us, even tho I was suspicious of the mites.  Since we brought him into our house, he has started pulling his hair out and scratches alot.  We have an appointment with our vet for next week - the earliest appt. we could get.  My concern is now not only for the rabbit, but for my 10 year old house dog.  Can the dog get mites from the rabbit?  Will my whole house get infested?  What can I do in the meantime until my vet visit?  Help!

Did the group you got him from tell you what he was being treated with, and when to next apply it?  There are different kinds of mites, some of which are transmitable to other animals.  The house won't get infected if it is mites, just any animals the rabbit comes into contact with (maybe, depending on the kind of mites).

You can read more about mites and their treatment at

I would call the group you got him from and ask them what kind of mites it is, and see what they have been treating him with, that way when you go to the vet you have all that information.
