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anemic rabbit

22 9:48:38

My rabbit lost a lot of blood last month while getting her nails trimmed (accidently cut the quick a little bit but it bled quite a lot).

My vet prescribed a liquid vitamin for my rabbit ("Amino B-plex"# for a week but I think she still might be anemic. She's not sick; she's still eating and drinking and going to the bathroom but she's not particularly active anymore #sleeps and lies down most of the time, eats slowly# and her tongue is still quite pale.

Do you think that I should continue feeding her the Amino B-plex? Are there any vegetables that I should feed her that would help her raise her iron levels?  If a rabbit loses a large amount of blood, would they need further medical intervention #e.g. blood transfusion# to get better?

I'd appreciate it if you could provide your personal opinion/expertise on advising me. Thank you

hi kayden sometimes i cut the nails to much and they bleed but it soon stops -if he is eating and drinking i would not be worried but a little bit of cabbage leave will help -don't give a lot as it could cause the runs.
i would stop the Amino B-plex.