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Myxomatosis scare

22 9:53:36

Hi, We have had our much loved rabbit for about 2 yrs.
For the last five days he just hasnt been himself.
His eyes are dazed and 1 of his ears that normally stays up has fallen down.
I took him to the vet and didn't really get much help. She didn't think it was myxo.
After reading about myxo and the out break of it on pet rabbits in my town i was sure thats what he had.
I was given 3 days worth of antibiotics and eye cream to put in but there is no improvement at all.
He just seems so tired. He is still eating but we are very worried about him as we don't want him suffering. His symptoms haven't got any better or worse.

Dear Alisha,

If you see any sign of swelling around his face, then you are probably right:  this could be myxomatosis.  The only thing I've ever heard that has saved an unvaccinated rabbit is Equimune IV, an immune-system booster developed for horses.

If you are interested in learning more about this, please write to me at and I will send you information from Dr. Barb Matheson (also in Australia), who has successfully treated rabbits with this.

I hope your bunny will be okay.
