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Pregnant bunny trouble

22 9:37:31

My rabbit is pregnant, and this should be the day she has them/it. She made a nest last night. Today I went to the hutch and there is blood in her litter box.Just a bit, but it seemed to be mixed with a bit of something slimy. She is also very grumpy and tried attacking and biting us when we attempted to take our other rabbit out of the hutch. he is neutered now, but we were wondering if he could have possibly eaten it or maybe even if she did? By the way, she is a Holland Lop, if that helps. Please let me know what I should do!

Hi Jaydi,

I would take her to the vet.  Even if she did eat them you would find little parts.  What you are seeing could be the afterbirth but they usually eat that too.  If she is in labor and hasn't had the babies yet then her life could be in danger.  Your best option is to take her to a vet to have an ultrasound and make sure that there are no more babies inside.

I wish I had a better answer for you.

Good luck
