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Rabbits in our bonfire pit

22 9:57:13

My family and I have a bonfire pit. We haven't used it in years so we put a bunch of not needed twigs and wood in the pit. We have been wanting to burn it for the longest time, in case there were any wasp nests in there. But then we discovered that there was a family of rabbits living in there. My family said that they would run away when they smelled the fire. However, I was unsure that the rabbits would be okay. Unfortunately, I couldn't contact you before they burnt it. My family did say that they saw two rabbits run out of the pile. Now I am worried that all of them didn't get out. Thank you for your time and thank you for helping me.

Dear Amy,

I cannot say whether they all got out.  I hope they did.  I hope they didn't have a nest of babies in the pile that could not get out.  

I'm not sure how I can help you, but I wish your folks had dismantled the pile to shoo away the bunnies to be sure.
