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using stronghold

22 10:49:46

hi there! just wondering if you can tell me if you have heard anyone using stronghold in rabbits for treating cheyletiella. i know ivermectin is the best but my rabbit has has three of the inj but is still got dandruff. what is the best thing to treat her enviroment? is Acclaim ok to use? any advice would be great! thankyou.
kind regards

Dear Shona,

Stronghold (selamectin) is actually *better* than ivermectin for treating mites of all sorts on rabbits.  We use about 5-8 drops on the back of the neck, and have great results.  (The solution is the same concentration in any of the different sized tubes.)

I am not familiar with the product you call "Acclaim" (it's not called that here in the U.S.).  If you can tell me the active ingredients, I may be better able to help.  But once the Revolution/Stronghold is on the bunny, you probably won't need to treat the environment, since the environment is usually not the reservoir for mites--the rabbit himself is!

For more info, please read:

Hope that helps.
