Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > is my rabbit healthy

is my rabbit healthy

22 11:26:47

  I have a rabbit that I found abandoned in a freinds yard and I
want to know if i can check it's health at home.  Also I would like to
know the age of the Rabbit so i can give it proper nutrition for it's age
incase it is really old or young. thank you for you time.


If the rabbit is a wild one you should release it.  If it is a domestic one that someone let out, there may be an owner looking for it and you should try to find its owner before you decide to keep it.

I cannot tell you how old a rabbit is through a description (which you didn't even give), someone would have to look at the rabbit and estimate that way.

It would be best to see a vet or a rabbit breeder in your area for more information on this rabbit.