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Clear jelly-like substance in rabbit cage.

22 9:49:32

My parents use to have a rabbit, and they said there was this clear jelly like substance in the bunny's cage in the morning. They always cleaned it out. The rabbit eventually died.. I'm getting a rabbit soon, and I was curious, if the clear-jelly-like substance was suppose to be there. Thank you.

Hello Clear jelly substance can either be a severe case of diarrhea, a hair ball impacted that led to GI Stasis (Bloat which can kill rabbits) or it could easily be something else like Coccidiosis or another disease. It is by no means is ever normal and if this happens in the future, seek a veterinarian to diagnose what is going on. If you are planning to use the same hutch or cage make sure it is thoroughly cleaned with bleach, rinsed incredibly well and let it sit out in the sun for a day. It will kill any residual bacteria which could still transmit to any new rabbit entering the same housing. Better to be safe. Here was another similar scenario that I found online: Best Answer - Chosen by Voters i know you said it's expensive, but you really do need to take him to a vet so that you can get a proper diagnosis and they can tell you the best way to help him and save his life :) If i had to guess what's wrong with your rabbit i would say that he has either a severe case of diarrhea or GI stasis. Dr. Chris Hayhow of the ARBA is a rabbit vet who knows loads about rabbit diseases, so you could contact him to see if he can help you --> has contact information for him. GI stasis is where a rabbits' digestive system becomes clogged up, so maybe you should think about what you have been feeding him lately? If your rabbit is a long haired breed or has been shedding hair lately then it is likely that he has ingested a lot of fur and could have GI stasis. giving him plenty of roughage like hay and straw is essential to prevent it and giving your rabbit some Papaya or Pineapple could help a bit. This is just my view though and it could easily be something else like Coccidiosis or another disease. That is why i really recommend that you take him to a vet! if you want the best for your rabbit then costs won't be an issue... his life will be. Good luck and i hope your rabbit is ok!