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Garden for me and my buns

22 10:32:40

My dear house rabbits (adopted and fostered) love to get a turn in my fully-fenced little backyard when I'm out doing chores (supervised for safety reasons!). I am looking for suggestions for rabbit-safe plants that are evergreen and taller than ground cover but not huge in width because I have a tiny back yard. (I'm starting from scratch after removing everything that wasn't working or that I knew was unsafe.) The lists of toxic plants seem to include everything I can think of that would do well in a shady, often damp yard in the Pacific Northwest (for example, rhodos, hostas, ferns). I am wondering if there are any resources out there that compile ideas for rabbit-friendly yards. I know about the little stuff like dandelions, clover, and all kinds of herbs, of course, and I've got roses and fennel coming up where they can't be chewed to the ground by overly enthusiastic longears! I once found a pair of PDFs - one safe for rabbits, one toxic to rabbits - online, with colour photos of plants. They could be purchased in book form. Haven't been able to find them for over a year, now. Any resources you know of would be MUCH appreciated.

Hi Robin,

I would love to have an outdoor habitat...not so much for our domestics...but much more for the wildlife.  I would suggest contacting your state wildlife office.  Many states have info on either their wildlife site or their agricultural department's site on building wildlife habitats for native animals.  I think Animal Planet offers information on their site about "Backyard Habitats".  I keep mentioning wildlife habitats since I have never really seen a natural type habitat set up for domestics...but it would be nice.  And domestics and cottontails have identical needs.  They are technically different species...but I don't see a lot of difference other than body shape.  From a strictly husbandry view (and I rescue domestic rabbits and I am a licensed wildlife rehabber so I see them all) cottontails and domestics are identical.  Domestics are technically European wild rabbits so I would suspect the weather in most of continental Europe is similar to the conditions you experience.  Sorry I can't give any suggestions on specific plants.  We don't get the type of weather you get very often here in NC.

One word of caution....think about raptors such as hawks, owls and eagles.  I also rescue them and I know from experience how quick they can attack.

I will touch base with some other folks I know and see if they have any thoughts.
