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5 mo. old does expecting

22 11:08:51

i  have a 4 yr old dad bunny impregnated his 2  5 month old does.i  was afraid to have him neutered as a friend's bunny died from this..what can i do now as i'm afraid they'll be ill by being so young.they are probably in their 2nd week.should we terminate the pregnancy at the vet or let nature take it's course and take the consequences of course we will have them neutered afterward. thanks  

I would never terminate the pregnancy. Trust me this will be harder on them than letting them have them young. Depending on the size and breed they should be fine. Netherland dwarfs can be bred as early as 4 months, although I wait until 6-8 months old. I think that spaying/neutering will be the best option since you will have babies too. You must wait until babies are weaned before doing it though. Always never let two unaltered animals of oppisite sexes stay in the same pen together. You will always get babies.