Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Stuck babies in a Holland Lop Doe

Stuck babies in a Holland Lop Doe

22 10:32:16

My Holland Lop doe had a baby stuck in her, halfway out today. After a while we finally carfully got it out. She did bleed some, but has stopped now. She seems weak and I don't know if she has more babies in her or not. Do you know if there is anyway to help her??

Thank you for your time,

Dear Jamie,

Please get your bunny to a good rabbit vet immediately.  The internet is not the place to seek help in an emergency like this!

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

She may have other babies, or she may be having other complications from the pregnancy, but if she is weak then she needs medical attention immediately.  Please don't delay!

Please also read:

I hope she'll be okay, and I'm sending healing thoughts.
