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Rabbit sudden growth spurt

22 10:15:31

 My Rabbit just suddenly got bigger.  It was only a matter of a couple of days.  Is this normal?   I know they are supposed to grow, but this was remarkable how big and tall he got.  Any answer would help!  Thanks.

Dear Mary,

Well, that's a first.  I can't really imagine how this could happen, but you don't give much detail. As long as his increase in size is in body mass and height, and not a bloating of the abdomen, then I don't think this is health related.

Or maybe someone switched bunnies on you?  Was he in someone else's care, perhaps?  That would make me very suspicious.

If you can give me *precise* information (How much did he change in weight, height, etc.?  Is his behavior normal?  Is his appetite normal?), I'll be better able to tell you if anything weird is going on.
