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We rescued a floppy ear and..

22 9:54:32

every time I put my hand in to her cage she paws at me and makes a grunting sound, I leave her a lone because I think she is upset about do I break her of this habit without wrecking the fact that its her nest?


she is probably not spayed, and/or may have had some physical issues with hands in cages.  Most females don't like hands in cages if they are unspayed and sexually mature.  

Best thing to do is not put hands in cages when the female is in the cage.  If you can change food/litter etc when she is out in another area for play or temporary for cleaning, do it then.  Other thing you can do is wear work gloves so that you can do what you need to and be safer.  

Spaying a female will cut down on this as this behavior is hormonally driven.  If she's already spayed she just doesn't trust you yet and/or her hormone levels may be higher than normal for a spayed female.  If she is spayed she may stop doing it once she finds she doesn't stop you from reaching in (gloved) - once it stops you can ditch the gloves.

If she isn't spayed yo uwon't be able to stop it.  If you need to find a good rabbit vet go here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.  Only a good rabbit vet should ever be considered to do any surgery on rabbits.