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Feeding rabbit greens?

22 10:14:54

Hi I was wondering what greens are best for my rabbit?
Is romane lettuce good? That is what I feed her now. Are Collard greens good? I heard they were too high in calcium, I am not sure so I don't feed her that. What do you think is the best green to feed your rabbit? (One that is easy to find, good for your rabbit and does not break the bank if you buy a lot of it.)


Hi Katherine,

you are right, as the HRS says, greens are good.  It's just they can upset your rabbit's gut if you feed them one that disagrees with them, or if you feed them too much of one that in smaller quantities, is normally well-tolerated.

It is also true that they can survive without anything else but hay, as this is what they are designed to eat - grass hays - just like little cows.  If they get hay and can eat it whenever they want, they don't need pellets, greens, fruits or treats.  It's just how they are designed, and it's good to know if for whatever reasons, cannot give them certain foods, it's good to know what you always need to give them versus what is 'optional'.



well, since greens aren't necessary for your rabbit's survival, they don't need a lot of different kinds.  Some people jsut use them for a treat in fairly small amounts.

It also depends if you want to get greens that you also can eat and enjoy.  Most people do.

Romaine is great.  Green leaf lettuce is great.  Italian (flat) parsley, is great.  Two or three that you can find regularly, in good shape, are all that you need.  Romaine and Green leaf lettuces are a little higher in price than iceberg, but iceberg has hardly any nutritional value at all, and isn't even good for people.  You are much better off and get far more for your money buying Romaine and Green leaf lettuce.

Some are higher in calcium, you are correct that you'd want to avoid them.  The three I mention are not.

And pleasebe very careful about how much you give them.  Some rabbits may not be able to tolerate a particular green well, and some start having problems if you give them too much greens (there is some kind of 'tipping point' where too much can cause problems).  Since greens are optional for health, if they are eating hay like they should, to be safe, give less.
