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living quarters/indoor cage

22 9:54:45

I keep my bunny (dwarf singlemane lionhead) in an approx. 2 x 4 foot cage (indoor).  I have placed wood shavings over the entire bottom of the cage (not cedar or pine as Ive heard these are not good).  I had bought a corner litter box but he likes to lay in it rather than use it.  I clean out the droppings and the wet shavings daily but I am still concerned that he is basically "living" in his own potty and how harmful this can be to his health.  I am a new rabbit owner so if you have any advice on how to properly set up his cage I would appreciate it and let me know if the way its kept now will have health risks for the rabbit.

Dear Michele,

I hope you let your bunny out for daily running for at least 6-8 hours, because that cage size is MUCH too small for even a small rabbit.  Rabbits are very active, inquisitive, and in need of mental stimulation.  They can't get that locked in small cage all the time, and your bunny will languish.

No type of wood shaving bedding is recommended for small animals.  The wood has aromatics "designed" to deter herbivores, and can be harmful to the respiratory system and liver over time.  Not just pine or cedar.  ANY wood shavings.

I would recommend you get your bunny a large playpen and equip it with litterbox (which is safe for him to lie in, as long as you clean it regularly, and keep it stocked with fresh grass hay all the time), toys, boxes, etc.  The cage he's in now can serve as his shelter/home base, but he needs more room than a 2' x 4' cage to be happy and healthy.  You can see some nice examples here:

For all the best, most accurate information on rabbit care, please visit:

Hope this helps!
