Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Molting/Licking


22 9:55:43

I have a 1 and a half year old dwarf lop house rabbit. He's
malting at the minute and he has patches on his fur where
his old coat has gone and his new coat is there. So
basically they are patches of shorter fur, if you know what
I mean. Everytime we stroke him on one of these patches
he'll turn his head and lick anywhere. The floor, my hand,
my arm, anywhere he can do He licks ferociously, but not
like a warning or anything. I Was just wondering why he did
this? Thanks :)

Dear Ellie,

For tips on how to handle his molting, please see:

When a bunny licks frantically when touched, it often means that the spot is itchy.  If this shedding is due to mites or other skin disorder, it needs to be treated by a good rabbit vet:

Some rabbits also have a very strong "licky reflex" in certain areas of the body.  Some bunnies lick madliy when you scritch them on the bum, some when you rub their ears, and some when you stroke their back.  So it might be just that.

But good to be aware of any potential problems, just in case.

Hope this helps.
