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Lethargic rabbit, cannot reach a vet

22 9:52:47

I have a 1 and a half year old mini rex who weighs over 4 pounds.  She has been treated for GI stasis in the past and recovered successfully.  Tonight, suddenly, she became hunched and lethargic- running away every time I tried to pet her.  It became clear to me that she was in pain.  Unfortunately it was 10pm here and the only two rabbit vets in a two hour distance are not available to me at night.  We were given several syringes of 1.40 metacam painkiller for such emergencies...I gave her one an hour and a half ago and I still see no improvements.  
Stuck at home for the next 8 hours without a vet, what can I do for my rabbit?

Dear Matt,

Unfortunately, I was out of town over the weekend (at a vet conference in Orlando) and unexpectedly had no access to the internet.  I hope it is not too late for this help:

You can find a rabbit-savvy vet here:
