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My rabbits food timetable

22 10:25:35

My rabbits is 2 years old and is fully grown. He has started to not eat his pellets during the day and just eat them at night i am confuse about how much to give him and when. During the day he seems to just eat grass (when he out) and hay when hes in.Sometime he might have a bit of his pellets but sometime he doesn't. I am not sure if i should offer him any during the day because he eats quite a lot during the night and i don't want him to et fat.
What do you suggest.
Many thanks

hello ariannah

it is fine to feed your bunny at night. they will eat when they want to eat and if your bunny preferes to at night then that will be the best time for him. also as her is eating grass and hay in the day then he may not feel very hungry.

only feed your bunny small amount of pellets once a day, as hay is the most important part of a rabbits diet, so feed him loads and loads daily.
