Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > malting


22 10:57:08

i have to rabbits both girls. they live outside in a hutch. i cleaned the cage out but when i did i found a lot of fur. I don't know what this means.


One of the rabbits may be experiencing a false pregnancy, causing her to pluck out fur to make a nest. A false pregnancy can happen to unspayed females when their hormones trick them into thinking they are pregnant.

They may also be fighting. Unspayed females tend to have more problems with fighting than unneutered males, even.

Finally, if there are no signs of fighting, and neither female looks like she has been plucking out fur, it may just be that they are shedding out their winter coats. Some rabbits shed a little bit at a time, some shed a lot at a time, leaving big piles of hair everywhere.