Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > black thing that dug into my rabbits skin. p.s its a domestic bunny

black thing that dug into my rabbits skin. p.s its a domestic bunny

22 10:44:24

what is that thing? It is sticking out of my rabbits skin. it looks like it has orange tentacles that are digging into its skin. I don't know what it is doing to my bunny, so can you send me a reply ASAP

Hi Joseph,

I have no idea what it is.  I strongly, strongly recommend getting to a good rabbit vet immediately.  they will be able to determine what it is and get it out safely.  Don't try to mess with it yourself because depending what it is, if you kill it or damage it it can release toxins into the rabbit and kill it.

Get to your regular, good rabbit vet immediately.  Get to a vet if you don't have a regular vet.
