Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > ivomec to use on rabbits

ivomec to use on rabbits

22 9:45:30

I have 1% injectable for cattle and swine to use as treatment for worms and mites for my rabbit herd.  This is as a preventative treatment because I show them and they are exposed to other rabbits that may be infected.  

I have the needles to draw it out of the bottle and a 3 mL (cc) disposable syringe.  I this  the correct size and what is the dosage for a 10 pound average rabbit if I give orally.

To apply to the skin, how many drops for same weight?

Dear Terry,

I've used ivermectin only via injection, but I think you could start with the same dose to give orally.  You might see evidence of some GI irritation, but it should not be harmful.

Our vets used to use about 0.1cc or a tiny bit more (0.12 or so) for a rabbit that size.  I would use the same amount topically.  If you do not see complete resolution of the condition within two weeks, you could ask your vet about using a higher dose.

If possible, try to get Revolution (selamectin), as this is more effective and longer-lasting than ivermectin, in my experience.

Hope this helps.
