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Rabbit breathing quickly after spay

22 10:26:57

Hi Dana
3 days ago my 5 year old bumnny was spayed and a mass removed. She has had a post op check and the vet said all is going well. She is eating and pooping. As for activity, she is moving around a little and I've seen her stretch. My concern is that her breathing rate has quickened. I think it's actually quicker today than yesterday as is the rate at which her nose is twitching. I can see her chest moving quickly even when she is resting. I was wondering if she could be in pain following the operation. Please can you help?

Dear Michelle,

Panting can be a sign of pain, or it could be a sign that she has a fever.  You can learn how to take her temperature here:

but if she's just off a spay, you might want to be extra cautious and let the vet do this.  The vet can also check her over for anything unusual, listen to her lungs and heart, and--very importantly--prescribe some pain medication (metacam and tramadol together are *excellent* for post-op pain) to get her through the weekend, by which time she should be feeling better.

If your own vet is out for the weekend, I hope you can find one here:

Good luck,
