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toxic effects of Advantage

22 10:26:57

Recently,my vet okayed administering Advantage to my 7yr.old French lop-ear Rupert. (We have multiple animals with flea issues.) The first dose seemed to have no negative side effects. However,soon after (48hrs) the 2nd application,Rupert began to display neurological symptoms-notably loss of balance-his hind legs just seem to give out. The vet now admits this is a possible side effect and should subside,she suggested lots of hydration.Unfortunately though these episodes abated somewhat, they are still recurring a week later. His appetite is unaffected,his temp is normal,but activity level dimished. What to DO? Is there treatment and recovery?! Many thanks.

Dear Cara,

I've never heard of such side effects being caused by Advantage, although Frontline is now well known to cause neurological signs and even death in rabbits.  Are you sure the medication given was not Frontline?  We've had many rabbits on Advantage, and none have ever gotten sick, as far as I know.

As far as treatment is concerned, you might want to get him to another vet for a second opinion:

Fluid therapy can help flush toxins out of the body, but if neurological damage is already done, then fluids will not help repair that.  Physical therapy might help, as well as more unconventional therapies such as acupuncture.  There are now many licensed veterinary acupuncturists in the US (if that's where you are), and all are licensed vets.  Perhaps you can find one in the yellow pages, or your regular vet can give you a referral.

I hope this helps.
