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Newborn rabbit care

22 11:09:24


The text above is a follow-up to ...

We have two 8 month old female rabbits, neither of which has ever been pregnant.  We were given a male angora, and decided to allow one or both to have a litter once before we spay and neuter them.

Yesterday morning we discovered 11 baby rabbits in their outdoor hutch.  When we opened the door (before we realized they were there), one fell out.  It appears, so far, to be alright.  There is a tremendous amount of fur in the nest they created.

We brought the whole group in the house for warmth, and created a nest in a cardboard box with a large opening for the mothers.  Blankets and fur are in there.  We have yet to see either mother (I'm assuming that they must have both --amazingly-- given birth on the same night, since I doubt one could have 11) go to their babies.  Yet, the babies seem plump and comfortable.  This morning, about 27 hours after our discovery of them, they were extremely active but are now sleeping.  Is it normal for the mothers to seem to show no interest, at least in our presence?  And our children (ages 9 and 11) want to hold them on occasion, cuddled in a blanket, and stroke them.  Is this alright?  Any other advice for such a large litter?!  Thanks so much.
Hi Sherry,
No,I really don't recomend letting children touch the babies at all right now. It's a crucial time with babies in nest.  The mothers will only feed once a day in the beginning,this is why they seem to show no interest in them.  
 Leave the moms and babies alone as much as possible,especially in the beginning.They need to do their jobs to become good mothers without much interference.
I wish you luck,and enjoy..
p.s Once the babies have left the nest and are eating on their own(around 6 weeks) your children can touch them...there will be no danger of neglect after that period.  :)   Elizabeth


Thanks so much for your prompt reply.  One more question:  I just returned home to find blood in an area of the laundry room in which the rabbits have been urinating in.  I examined both moms, and see no blood on them.  Is blood in urine normal after giving birth, or should I take them both to a vet?  Again, thank you!


Hi again,
Did you check to see that all the babies are there still? Sounds like one could have been eaten...or perhaps the other mom gave birth? If they seem ok,don't bother with a vet,it'll make things harder on them,and you! Unless of course they seem ill as well.
 good luck,Elizabeth