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sleepy bunny

22 10:32:21

my 3 1/2 month old bunny sometimes lays down and looks like she/he is about to die, but when I pet her she is all normal again, is this normal for this age? she is the calmest one of my 3 bunnies and loves to be hold, but it so worries me when she lays s lifeless...

Dear Susanne,

If your bunny acts normal when she's not flopped out, and if her appetite is good and poops normal and plentiful, it may be that she's just very mellow.  Some very confident rabbits will flop over on their sides when resting and be at complete peace.  It's very cute!

Here's a picture of a flopped bunny:

Please read this:

to learn how to tell if your bunny really is sick.  And if you're really worried, then you can find a good rabbit vet here:

But if all other signs are fine, then I wouldn't worry.  Just enjoy her cuteness!
