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Runny Nose and Crusty Eyes.

22 10:33:30

I adopted my Rabbit almost three years ago now, i am not quite sure how old he is but i think he is about 4 or 5. Over the past few weeks i have noticed that the ridges around his eyes seem to be a bit redder then normal, also had some crusty goo in the corners. His nose has been runny and getting crusty aswell. I have noticed him being a little more lethargic then normal, Could him being more lethargic be from getting older? Or do u think it is something more serious. He is still playfull when he is not sleeping. His eating, drinking, and bathroom habbits seem to be fine. His breathing has been a bit raspy which makes me worried a bit, sometimes it has almost a little sqeak to it but not badly. do u think he is ok?

Dear Mallory,

It does not sound as if your bunny is completely okay. The crusty eyes and nose could be due to mange:

which can be safely treated by your vet with Revolution (selamectin).

Or possibly to rabbit syphilis (not contagious to humans), which can be safely treated with injectible (not oral!) Penicillin-G Procaine.

The snotty nose could be an upper respiratory infection, and that *definitely* needs treatment by the vet, lest it become worse. Please read:


and find a good vet here:

I hope this helps you get him on the road to good health.


At the age of 4-5, he's not old at all.  He needs to be seen by a good rabbit vet for a complete wellness check and treatment, as necessary.