Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > HELP single man needs help with dolly she maybe a mom soon!!!!!!

HELP single man needs help with dolly she maybe a mom soon!!!!!!

22 11:31:04

I have a Mini Rex color brown who maybe preg. How do I tell and if she is what should I do to prepare her for the big day?

Thanks Jackson

There is no sure way to tell if she is bred or not.  Some experienced breeders are able to palpate the abdomen and feel the kits, but it takes practice and is difficult to describe in writing.

She knows what she needs to do.  You need to provide her with a nesting box and clean, loose straw that she will use to build a nest.  I don't put the straw in the box, I allow my rabbits to do that themselves.  For more info look at my prevously answered questions.
