Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Swollen private part area

Swollen private part area

22 11:09:15

Hi.  I have no idea what kind of rabbit I have.  He was a gift.  He has been neutered.  He's a regular black and white bunny.
His problem is that I noticed today that he wasn't using his litter box.  Also, he didn't want the cookies that he loves so much (that's really weird).  I did notice that he had pee'd all over the towel that he usually sleeps on.  When I picked him up I noticed that his private part area is covered in stuck poop and the usually furry area is all pink, swollen, and enflamed.  I can only think that it must be very sore.  
The only thing that has changed, was that I let him stay the day outside in my completely enclosed condo back yard on Saturday.  He usually enjoys spending time outside.

Can you suggest anything?

Thank you,

Hi Barbara,
You can try to clean his genitals with warm water..keep him inside for now..the sticky poop could be causing itching and making him lick and scratch at it causing this inflamed redness.
 Hopefully after his wash,he'll be fine.  Good luck,Elizabeth