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HELP my rabbit ate part of a thin plastic bag

22 10:32:42

24 hours ago my 6 mounth old mini rex ate part of a plastic bag probly only a couple of inches of it im still worried even though shes acting fine and eating and drinking should she be ok since its been 24 hours or is she not out of the woods yet?

Hi Nat,

That is scary isn't it?  We have had that happen from time to time.  I would think the highest probability of having a major problem has passed.  The GI transit time is much shorter than that.  But it is something I would closely monitor for the next few days just in case.  Make sure she is properly hydrated and drinking lots of water.  And unlimited hay (as she should have all the time anyway)will provide the "push" to keep things moving thru the gut.  Make sure to monitor input (eating and drinking...and really push the hay) and output (urine and feces).  If you see a problem, she will either stop pooping or it will become very small in size or be much less than normal.  If you notice that happeing, that is an emergency....get to a rabbit savvy vet immediately.  But for now, I think just closely monitor her.
